I have a blog?
And its about weightloss. Which, by the way, hasn't been happening lately.
I've practically forgotten about this little spot. I've been coming on the computer about every other day, but haven't really had much to say. I've been extremely busy around here, and the computer hasn't been my #1 priority.
So, what's up, you ask?
Well, I still haven't been following points. I'm trying to eat healthy though, and I have to admit that anytime I eat something, (unless its a regular meal, of course) I reach for the frosted mini wheats. Can I tell you how much I LOVE that cereal!?!?! I'm not a big cereal person, not a big breakfast eater, but this stuff is sooo good. And even though the calories are a little on the high side, its high in fiber, so that makes it good in my book.
I've started going to the new gym. Last week I used my 4 day free pass, and went Tuesday through Friday. And I was so sore! Every part of my body hurt! I complain about it, but I really loved the pain.... it tells me that I actually worked my muscles! I've been meeting my SIL and we motivate each other. Its nice to have someone to talk to while I sweat and we also get to keep in touch and keep each other updated about the kids.
This week, I was offered a position in the daycare. My SIL works in there, and gave them my name. I babysit on Friday's for 2 hours and get a free membership! That works for me, because it gets me socializing, I get a baby "fix", and I don't have to pay the $50/month to work out.
Oh yeah, and when I worked out yesterday, I was doing the ab machine. The one where your arms go down, and knees go up, all while tightening the ab muscles. I was on my 2nd rep and felt this awful pain! It felt like a combination of something bursting, something ripping, or someone stabbing me in my lower stomach! The pain was horrible. I think I must have done something to one of my muscles. That's never happened to me before, and the weights were only set at 30 lbs! And of course, a person never realizes how much they use their abs until they hurt. And I figure I know that I at least still have something left there within all the loosy goosy flab! But its still hurting today to the extent that anytime I cough, turn, or bend, I feel the same stabbing sensation. Just going to have to wait till it heals, I guess.
Anyway, last week and tomorrow I'm using a "no weigh in" pass at WW and I have to get back down to business. My smallest jeans are a tad bit too tight on me. Before summer they were loose! And I refuse to buy bigger clothes again!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I've practically forgotten about this little spot. I've been coming on the computer about every other day, but haven't really had much to say. I've been extremely busy around here, and the computer hasn't been my #1 priority.
So, what's up, you ask?
Well, I still haven't been following points. I'm trying to eat healthy though, and I have to admit that anytime I eat something, (unless its a regular meal, of course) I reach for the frosted mini wheats. Can I tell you how much I LOVE that cereal!?!?! I'm not a big cereal person, not a big breakfast eater, but this stuff is sooo good. And even though the calories are a little on the high side, its high in fiber, so that makes it good in my book.
I've started going to the new gym. Last week I used my 4 day free pass, and went Tuesday through Friday. And I was so sore! Every part of my body hurt! I complain about it, but I really loved the pain.... it tells me that I actually worked my muscles! I've been meeting my SIL and we motivate each other. Its nice to have someone to talk to while I sweat and we also get to keep in touch and keep each other updated about the kids.
This week, I was offered a position in the daycare. My SIL works in there, and gave them my name. I babysit on Friday's for 2 hours and get a free membership! That works for me, because it gets me socializing, I get a baby "fix", and I don't have to pay the $50/month to work out.
Oh yeah, and when I worked out yesterday, I was doing the ab machine. The one where your arms go down, and knees go up, all while tightening the ab muscles. I was on my 2nd rep and felt this awful pain! It felt like a combination of something bursting, something ripping, or someone stabbing me in my lower stomach! The pain was horrible. I think I must have done something to one of my muscles. That's never happened to me before, and the weights were only set at 30 lbs! And of course, a person never realizes how much they use their abs until they hurt. And I figure I know that I at least still have something left there within all the loosy goosy flab! But its still hurting today to the extent that anytime I cough, turn, or bend, I feel the same stabbing sensation. Just going to have to wait till it heals, I guess.
Anyway, last week and tomorrow I'm using a "no weigh in" pass at WW and I have to get back down to business. My smallest jeans are a tad bit too tight on me. Before summer they were loose! And I refuse to buy bigger clothes again!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!