Peace at last
The dogs finally went home last night. And what a week its been! I really don't mind watching them, I seriously don't. Its nice since we're "borrowing" them, so it gives us a sense of having a dog, but then giving them back. Kinda like when a person babysits a baby to get their baby fix, but can give the baby back. Actually, its the same exact thing. Obviously dogs don't need as much attention, but all in all the same. Anyway, last Sunday my sister dropped them off. Sunday night Chase, the older one, got into a gift bag I had in the corner of the livingroom that had hershey kisses in it. We didn't realize until after the fact, that he had eaten the chocolate including the wrappers. I casually mentioned it to my sister, and of course got the speech of how chocolate is lethal to dogs and we really need to put that stuff up. Its not like I fed it to him though! Monday, Chris and I had to attend a funeral and came home. Chase again had gotten into a box of chocolates on the computer desk, that I hadn't seen because it was under a stack of papers. That afternoon he threw up, which we thought was a good get it out of his system. I again, casually mentioned it to my sister that night when she called and she really came down on me. She had me in tears. I even pointed out to her that it has happened at her house....the dogs getting into chocolate. Then her husband got me on the phone, yelled at me, and I'm still in tears at this point. He actually had the gall to call me irresponsible! My sister wanted me to go over to her house at almost 10 pm to get the other crate for him. I told her I wasn't doing it tonight. Nevermind the fact that I didn't have her house key and she was in Ohio! Apparently my brother had a house key, and she called him so I could plan on picking it up the next morning. My brother looked up the amount of chocolate that would be dangerous..... and informed us that it was 1 oz per pound of body weight. Well, Chase weighs at least 50 pounds. But my sister and BIL had me so upset that I couldn't sleep all that night and I thought I was going to wake up in the morning and the dog would be dead. They put me through hell. Let me also point out the everyone I've talked to about this has told me that next time they should just put the dogs in a kennel. I obviously can't be trusted. I understand my sister considering these dogs her "kids" since she has no children. But she also said to my brother that "its just like coming home to a dead Matthew". (I'm not supposed to know she said that). Regardless, the next night she called, I informed her that I hadn't poisoned them that day, with my sarcasm. She apologized for her and her husband coming down on me so hard. And last night on the way home from the airport, actually had the gall to ask me if I'll watch them again next month so she can fly to CA to see her husband! The sad thing is, I'll probably say yes. But I know that because I almost always say yes, that people tend to walk all over me. Anyway, the rest of the week was fine, no trouble with the dogs, but its still nice to wake up this morning and not get jumped on by a BTW, our yard is a minefield. I'm waiting till it gets below freezing, and hopefully can scoop when everything is frozen. Ewwww.....
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