Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Oops, just about forgot to post. Weigh-in this past Saturday, I lost 6.0 lbs. Awesome start! Unfortunately, it was Chris' birthday on Saturday and the food has been screwed up ever since. I'm trying, really trying, but I just can't keep my shit together. I went to the gym on Monday, and did 35 minutes on the treadmill, but got in an argument with my sister, so basically just left after that. (her and I next to each other on the treadmills, having a heated discussion...priceless)

You know, I just don't know why I'm having a hard time. I used to be so gung-ho about exercising and eating right. Now I'm just disappointed in myself. Everytime I look in the mirror, I'm appalled. I hate how I look. Its affecting my self-esteem, its affecting how I deal with the kids, its affecting every aspect of my life.

Yet, I still can't get my shit together.

Trying to think positive thoughts though...although I can't keep it all together, I have been eating good meals. Normal stuff that I'd eat while doing WW. Its just the snacks.....they're getting out of control.


Blogger Aileara said...

I haven't been around much since the baby arrived, but had a few minutes today. I love the pictures of the dogs in the crate and of your beautiful family. You're so very lucky to have each other. I've gained some weight since the baby arrived. It's not easy to get it off or keep it off. Keep up the good (and hard) work!!

12:53 PM  

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