Monday, March 06, 2006

A sure way NOT to eat

Last night around 10 pm, I realized that I had court today. For the last week, I've thought it was Tuesday and Chris was planning on going with me, and I had let work know so I could go. (Not that I have a choice) Which means that I have to face "him" alone which I'm scared shitless about. Chris has to be to work this morning and the only other person available is my sister, but she wants to sleep in and not spend all day in court. Nice, huh? I know I haven't let many people know really whats going on but I have a restraining order against my ex and he filed papers against me for contempt for child visitation. I know its retaliation and that I haven't done a thing wrong but doesn't make this day any easier. What's weird is that I was never "served" papers, but received a court calendar in the mail. So who knows if I even need to be there or not. But I'm going, and worst case scenario (or best case) is that I have to turn around and head home. Otherwise, on the diet front, I gained .6 pounds at Saturday weigh-in. I bought a new WW digital scale and the damn thing isn't accurate. It said all week that I was 5 pounds MORE than I really was, but I threw away the packaging so I'm stuck with it. Good thing about court is that I can't snack. I've been OP all week so far, and I'll get another down today. Not that I could eat anyway, since I'm so nauseous. Anyway, hopefully everyone has a great week and wish me luck!!!


Blogger Aileara said...

Hi Amy - I tried posting earlier, but it looks like it didn't go through. I'm so sorry you're having to go through all this court stuff. You're doing great with WWs. I'm sorry your new scale's broken. Do you still have the receipt? Maybe they'd take it back without the packaging. It might be worth a try. Good luck with court, I'm praying for you. Hang in there.

3:29 PM  

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