Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas goodies

I'm surviving the holidays so far. Its been quite awhile again since my last post, so I'll catch anyone reading back up. Last week I lost 2.8 pounds, and haven't counted points or anything this week. So far the scale is showing that I'm maintaining, which is absolutely fine with me.

Yesterday I survived a trip to A.C. Moore, Marshalls, Home Depot and the MALL, with 4 KIDS, and lived to tell about it! So really, when I want to, I can handle taking all of them out, but really would prefer not to. We visited Santa (did you notice he was the last stop at the mall?) and I think the older two kids may have been persuaded just the tiniest bit that he was actually real. But I know that they know, as long as they don't tell the little ones.

I actually have a WW meeting tomorrow that I'm making time for. I seriously need it to stay semi-on track. I'm not expecting anything close to perfection this week at all. Thats unrealistic. But I will enjoy myself, both with family and with food, because really, its only once a year.

I've made 2 types of cookies so far, with 3 more waiting in the wings. Also whipped up some homemade salsa last night in between cookie batches. I'm going to try to make an apple pie tomorrow for Christmas day, but need to finish shopping first ;)

I'm allowing the two older kids to go with the wacked out biological father tomorrow for half the day even though its not his weekend. And.... I even bought gifts for him, his wife, and his wife's kids. Aren't I nice??

A mish mosh post.... more so about my kids than my weightloss. As soon as things get back to normal I'll be posting more often.

Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!!


Blogger Heather said...

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

5:29 AM  

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