Friday, October 14, 2005

I'm still around!

The truth?

I've been avoiding my blog.

I don't want to whine and complain about the same old things, but at the same time, I need to whine and complain. And I don't want to admit that these last few weeks have sucked. But its my own damn fault!

I'm still having a hard time. Its so hard to FOCUS when I don't want to put 100% into this weightloss. Its so hard to explain though. I want to lose more weight, I want to put 100% into this. I've just been going at this for so long. Roughly 20 months, and quite frankly, I'm tired of it. Technically I know I can still eat the same foods (for the most part) and still lose weight, but there are so many foods I can't have around because I'll binge. Which in turn, makes me feel deprived.

I'm doing great with the exercise though. I've been going to the gym around 3-4 times a week. Each time I promise myself that I'll do at least 1/2 hour cardio, purposely fooling myself into doing more. Once I get that 1/2 hour in, I'm ready to keep going! So exercise obviously isn't the problem. (and I've been able to maintain my weight, but I don't want to maintain!)

Its the food! Why does it have so much power over me? I always feel as if my taste buds are missing out on something. And now with the holidays coming, I'm in full panic mode! I want to make apple pie! And pumpkin pie! And with the cooler weather I want to make baked macaroni and cheese! Don't dare tell me to make these things and eat just a little bit, cause I can't do it! LOL

So anyway, just another bitchfest around here. I'm going to do something about it. I swear. I just need to make myself stick to it. I have a WW meeting in the morning and I'm not expecting a gain, but I plan on weighing in...I have to! I'll try to post a bit more often too!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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