Sunday, July 10, 2005

Just call me the human yo-yo

Let me get this clear though.....homemade salsa and chips is better than a oversized cupcake, right? I think so anyway!

Went to my meeting this yesterday and as I assumed, I was up. Again. No big surprise, right? I actually was down 3 pounds from last weeks weight, but only from my scale, not WW, because I chose not to weigh-in last week.

But today we had a picnic, for Chris' co-workers. We were expecting roughly 60 people, and only about 40-45 showed up, but it was all good. Except now we have all this extra food. Including hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, donuts, coffee cake, and huge,huge, cupcakes. I figure, because I was up at 8am this morning, and ran around all day cleaning and cooking and stuff, that I don't think I did too bad-eating wise. And I'm trying to be optimistic here when I say that I hope I burned a few calories with all the running around. I even played volleyball!

I Starting tomorrow, its back to the grind for me. Chris is home for vacation this week, so I'm going to try to walk every night.

I bought all these cute new summer clothes a few months ago when I was at my lowest weight. And even though I'm only about 7 pounds heavier, I don't feel comfortable in those new clothes. I know for me its a mindset, because technically I don't look any different. To other people, that is. For me, I look in the mirror and see disaster. I know its because I feel horrible with myself for screwing up these last weeks. When I eat healthy and drink my water and exercise, it shows. Not only in how I look but how I feel. And when I feel better inside, I see myself differently on the outside.

Makes sense, right?


Blogger Ryan said...

I have to tell you that I think WW is bull crap. I think that they take an average weight loss from the week before and tell you what you gained or lost from that. When I did it I lost a lot at the beginning and then it got to the point where I was gaining one week, loosing the next, like a pattern. My friend also had the same experience. You know how well you did during the week so don't get discouraged. I can't seem to get rid of these last 10 lbs! I also need to be on track this week, hey we can do it together! Good luck!

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a devoted WW fan, so I don't think it's crap... but weight fluctuations happen, and it's hard, I know, not to let them get to you. I had a gain last week, and I'd peeked, so I knew it was likely coming. But I didn't expect it to be a big as it was... this week, I knew I was down, but didn't expect to be down 4.5 pounds!

A scale is a fickle thing, and it's location is irrelevant. :) Just don't let it get you down and move on... and good job on the salsa and chips over the cupcake. I would not have been as strong right now, cuz I'm having serious cupcake cravings!

10:16 PM  

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