Sunday, June 26, 2005

How long can this last?

So, to get this post off on the right foot, I'll start by saying I lost 1.6 this week. Nice and average, once again. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. But.... it might have been more if I hadn't eaten chips and fruit snacks and candy on Friday night. But hey, I still lost.

Chris and I had alot of fun at the casino on Saturday night. We went to the buffet, which was probably a mistake. Very difficult to count points and even more difficult to write down anything. Unless I pulled out my journal right there at the table. Which I didn't. Played slots for a couple of hours , but didn't come home with anything. Broke even. Neither Chris or I had a watch on, and thought when we left it was around midnight. We asked someone and turned out it was almost 2 am!! Came home, crashed, and had to be up by 8:30 to pick up the kids at Jen's. Not. enough. sleep. But we had alot of fun!

So, I declared today (Sunday) a "free day". Points wise. I'm hoping back on the bandwagon tomorrow morning. And I may not lose this week, but at least I won't gain a few pounds. One can only hope.


Blogger Ryan said...

1.6 lbs is great! It has taken me since last October to get where I am! Keep it up, you'll be so happy you did. You can do it :)

7:49 AM  

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