Thursday, May 05, 2005

Slip,Slip, Sliding away

The food intake isn't going that great. I seem to do okay on the days when I exercise, but my "off days" kinda have me getting carried away. And then I stopped at Dunkin' Donuts to get a latte, and get a few munchkins for Molly, along with 3 for me. only 3. But, they were kind enough to give me 5! I think it was a sign ;) I was obviously meant to eat all 5. And thats exactly what I did. I'm ashamed. I'm pissed. I have absolutely no restraint when it comes to sweets. Although I'm pms'ing, so I think that may have something to do about it. Really!

The gym's been good. I've stepped up the cardio a little. Instead of just 30 min. elliptical, I've added an additional 20 min. I'm alternating it between the bike and the treadmill, but leaning more towards the bike because of my hip pain. I've also been doing alot of yardwork, so I think that must give me some exercise. I know there's a way I could count it as some activity points, but not sure how. If anything, its balancing my eating habits. lol

Tomorrow morning I'm at the gym again, and then attending the Mother's Tea in Molly's class. See, more eating opportunities!

Have a great Friday!


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