Saturday, May 06, 2006

One step forward, two steps back

Not a good weigh-in today. I followed through Wednesday with the points. Hubby suggested pizza for dinner on Thursday night, so points didn't go very well that night. By Friday, I figured I might as well have a good old binge and get it out of my system! Why do I do that to myself? A part of my brain tells me that if I have a little "binge" I'll get it out of my system and that I'll do better following my points. I know by now, 2 years into this, that that never has worked, and never will, yet that doesn't stop me! Vicious cycle, I tell ya. Anyway....... are you ready for this? I gained 4 POUNDS! I know that some of it is water, because for some reason, even though I'm taking my diuretic daily, for the last few days I've noticed some swelling in my lower legs. I'm thinking that with the diuretic, on an average day, with drinking my water too, that my body is able to regulate it all with the meds. But since I had pizza for dinner and didn't drink any extra water, also keeping in mind, I didn't exercise a whole lot this week, I think it explains it all. Enough of an explanation anyway, to not get frustrated, and do the best I can this next week. I need to get back into the rythm of the gym too. Just had alot of appts this week between the kids and I . But normal life must resume.....especially with swimsuit season coming up!


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