Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Only 3 days left! Its the ultimate countdown...lol Today went well. Dragged myself to the gym after work this morning, and did an hour on the treadmill, burning 460 calories. Could of, should of, done the elliptical, but figure I'll do that tomorrow, and then only the treadmill on Thursday. My right shoulder has been hurting again. Hasn't since December, but now its back to the hurtin'......damn rotator cuff! Hasn't gotten too bad, but bad enough where I have to watch how I use it. While on the treadmill this morning, I had it folded across the front of me, and holding tight onto the left side of my t-shirt. Just feels better in that position. It just sucks. I'm such a mess, you'd think I was in my 50's or 60's....lol Anyway, hoping that I can continue to do well throughout the week. Btw, I put my scale away again. For a few weeks now I've been stepping on it daily just to keep up with the fluid issue. Now, I realize that its great to lose something, but if I put the damn thing AWAY, I just might lose a little bit more! Hope everyone's having a great week!


Blogger Aileara said...

Dangit, rotator cuff injury really sux big time. I had a bad problem a few years ago too, but doing a lot of light weights strengthened it or something, and it went away. Keeping fingers crossed it doesn't give you a problem for long! You're doing great with the weight loss/exercise - it ain't easy.

12:22 PM  

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