Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Almost there

I'm on my way back, so to speak. Almost in the right frame of mind to focus and do this again. I ate halfway decently today and actually took my diuretic , which will help big time with the swelling and water retention, even though it hasn't been that bad. What really brought the lack of focus back was trying to find a pair of jeans in my closet that would fit for the chilly 40- something temps in the wee hours of the mornings lately. Yeah, I'm shameful to say that none of my jeans fit! I can't even zip them! I have one pair, an "old pair", that probably will fit, but they're at my sister's house, which doesn't really help! Talk about depressing :( One of my co-workers was honest with me when I asked, and told me that he can tell I've gained weight. And I seriously am glad that he was frank with me. I know I look bad. (thats what I say, not what he says) I'm depressed because nothing fits me. I need to do something about it....NOW. So, I'll be going to a new WW meeting, on Thursday mornings, since its been too hard to drag myself and the kids out the door on a Saturday morning to go to my regular meeting. It'll be a fresh start. I may even ask for a brand new weigh-in book. Pretend like I'm starting over completely. I want to see my 10% goal in writing, so I can aim for it. If I focus on this, I could potentially be back to my low weight by the end of the year. Of course, I may be getting ahead of myself, seeing as there are holidays thrown in there every month. But I have to do this for myself...I feel like shit and don't like being at this weight. Oh, and I'll remind myself right here, right now, that I need to go back to the gym, since I've yet to do that either.


Blogger Aileara said...

Oh, can I relate to the jeans not fitting problem. I had so many sizes, none came close to zippering closed. I know how hard it is to get those pounds off Amy. But I've gotta be totally honest here sweety - you HAVE to lose that weight. If you need motivation, think of your kids. I'm worried about you, and I think you are too. Go to those WW meetings, hit the gym, really watch the food, and get those pounds off - I KNOW you can do this - I know you can!!!!

12:35 PM  

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